Club Achievements


Statistics are based on club members on Revolution CT Strava page and the cut-off for the statistics shown below was 31/12/18 at 2030hrs. There is a slight change this year in that Strava now recognises miles completed on the Turbo Trainer, so while some mileages are quite high, the elevations might not match that.  It should give those who prefer a bit of indoor training through the cold/wet weather more of a chance to compete in the longer term!

For our distance accumulated this year, Will takes the top spot again with a MASSIVE mileage. Next up is Karel in a firm second on the table, while Colin kept up a strong showing to secure third spot.

Elevation-wise it’s more of the same with Will, Karel and Colin occupying the top three slots.

To make the Top 10 last year, you would have needed a distance of 2083 miles and an elevation of 78,900 feet.  That is testament to how well you are all performing as individuals and as a club.  Fantastic show!  Let’s see what 2019 brings!

To make sure you’re in with a shout of seeing your name up in lights, be sure to join the Revolution CT club page on Strava.



NameDistance (Miles)
Will MacLennan12381.3
Karel Dolak8750.4
Colin Leslie6525.1
Steve Donaldson3968.3
Stevie Angus3900.5
Davie Nicoll3612.1
Simon Ross3548.1
Ruairidh Ross3542.8
Ryan Manson3502.9
Brian Duff3316.0



NameElevation (ft)
Will MacLennan589,770
Karel Dolak441,362
Colin Leslie318,346
Martin Lugg217,782
Steve Donaldson194,160
Stevie Angus187,953
Davie Nicoll164,252
Ryan Manson148,517
Brian Duff143,701
Ruairidh Ross135,295


Archive results from previous years can be found here.